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Introducing Pocus AI Strategy

Go from a prioritized account to a fully realized strategy with a few clicks. 

Sandy Mangat
August 20, 2024
Introducing Pocus AI Strategy

Strategy, value-selling, having a POV, and being consultative is the name of the game for sales in 2024. We know it’s a huge differentiator for accelerating sales… but, it’s incredibly hard to train and scale.  

Selling has gotten harder at every stage of the funnel.

  1. Channels decaying faster. Outbound email conversions are <1%
  2. Sellers spending 70% of their time on non-revenue generating activity
  3. More stakeholders in every deal and more scrutiny from the CFO

To combat this, we know strategy is more important than ever – 86% of buyers are more likely to buy when their goals are understood. We know the best sellers all have 1 thing in common - they deeply understand their prospects’ business and the problems they can solve.

... But, 59% of buyers say sellers don’t take the time to understand their goals.

Sellers don’t have time to be strategic on every deal. With shifting business priorities, reps waste time digging through tools and struggling with disjointed workflows to deeply understand their accounts and the strategy to win.

The antidote? Focus your reps on the fundamentals. 

  1. Understand the context of the account - what’s happened to date 
  2. Understand the person you’re reaching out to 
  3. Understand what the account cares about - goals, priorities, new initiatives
  4. Understand your unique POV as it relates to both person and account

Sound like a lot? It doesn’t have to be. Copy and paste your best reps' strategic selling process to the entire team without hours of time spent on account research. 

Introducing AI Strategy

​​AI Strategy in Pocus accelerates the process of going from a prioritized account to a fully realized strategy with a few clicks. 

AI Strategy is a new feature in Pocus that synthesizes all of the context required to build a robust account plan that helps reps do better discovery, be consultative, and tell a more compelling story. 

Becoming a strategic, value-driven seller requires a ton of time and effort to learn about an account, understand its priorities, and build a POV. Only the top percentile of reps have the time and ability to do this work. 

Make every rep a strategic seller

The best reps understand how to use data and signals to craft a compelling POV that touches on customers’ priorities/pains. AI Account Strategy takes the guesswork out of this process so every rep has the tools they need to be value-driven and strategic. 

Save time on account research

Go from hours spent on deeply understanding accounts and developing POVs to minutes. Replace hunting for this data by downloading reports, reading call transcripts, or setting google alerts. Cut time on call prep by quickly pulling up the your account strategy within Pocus’ Chrome extension or in the meeting invite 

Customized to your business and data 

Get insights beyond what you’ll find in chatGPT. Pocus customizes LLM models to your business. Whether you’re selling vertical SaaS and need deep domain expertise or selling a new AI product and want to understand AI initiatives, it’s all customizable.

How it works

  1. Pocus’ AI model synthesizes your 1st party signals (product usage, call recordings, CRM notes, website visits), 3rd party signals (firmographic, latest news, etc.) with custom AI signals relevant to your business scraped from across the internet (keywords in 10Ks, earnings calls, podcasts, and more). 
  2. Combine that synthesized context with your company's value props, key benefits and other criteria important to your sales motion. 
  3. Pocus combines the synthesized data with your company information to create a custom account plan tuned to your POV in seconds. 

Scaling the art and science of an account POV 

What does it mean to build a robust account strategy? It all starts with a strong point of view or POV. 

Your account POV is your hypothesis on why you will deliver the prospect value. It should lie at the sweet spot between what your potential customer cares about and what your product does well. It’s an art and science that balances what you know and your hypothesis on what will resonate. 

The best sellers make account research & planning a priority because they know it will make things easier like faster deal cycles, less objection handling, and potentially higher contract value. 

The old way of doing account planning was only really feasible for 5 accounts in your book aka your biggest deals. Even then the amount of time required pulls you away from other important tasks like prospecting, multi-threading, and building value. It’s even harder to scale with large book sizes in the commercial segment. 

Account plans 1.0 (the old old way) 

  1. Look for information on the account in CRM
  2. Go to account website to research
  3. Research account in LinkedIn Sales Nav
  4. Google to find signals about account in the news (recent news, 10ks, Glassdoor, job postings, etc.)
  5. Create an account plan in doc/notion by synthesizing data and creating a POV
  6. Go back to sales nav to find relevant contacts 
  7. Research them following the same process

Account plans 1.5 (slightly better with AI)

  1. Copy paste call notes into chatGPT and ask to summarize 
  2. Ask chatGPT questions about the company and any recent news 
  3. Use this to build account plan in docs/notion by applying a POV

Account plans 2.0 (supercharged with Pocus AI Strategy) 

  1. Open AI Strategy tab in Pocus 

With AI strategy in Pocus you can go from a 7+ step process that could take hours per account down to a few seconds. 

How customers are using AI Strategy

Customers can use AI strategy to power several time-consuming workflows for reps while also keeping them on message. 

The Power of AI Strategy:

  • Meeting Prep: Equip reps with the latest context, so they walk into meetings with confidence. Reps feel like they have their very own analyst. 
  • Generate Business Cases: Arm your champions with compelling, data-driven business cases.
  • Ramp Reps Faster: Selling vertical solutions and need reps to be ramped on a specific domain? Quickly bring new reps up to speed on domain expertise with customized insights.
  • Continuous Enablement: Keep reps on message with sales methodology embedded into the AI.

Real AI tools, not toys

We believe in deeply embedding AI where it makes sense. A real tool you can operationalize, not another AI “toy.”

AI Strategy is a powerful asset for your enterprise sales team that is part of our holistic approach at Pocus to enhance every stage of your sales process:

  1. Prioritize with Playbooks: Surface the best accounts and leads using intent, data, and AI.
  2. Research & Plan with AI Strategy: Craft strategic account plans for outreach.
  3. Find the Right Contacts with AI Prospector: Identify the right buyers and take action.

Our philosophy on AI

AI tools are a blessing and a curse for the world of GTM. On the one hand, AI tools can be a force for good, doing the grunt work a rep might waste valuable time on otherwise. On the flip side, it can be a force of evil turning every email and sales interaction into generic spam. 

We’re optimists at Pocus and believe that AI will have a net positive transformational power. 

We don’t believe that the most important advances in AI mean replacing human talent. The fully automated AI SDR is not a future we’re rooting for, instead, we believe the power today is in augmenting human talent with AI tools. 

Want to see AI Strategy in action?

Watch Alexa do deep account research in seconds with Pocus' AI Strategy.

Get started with AI Strategy 

AI Strategy is in invite-only closed beta. If you’re a Pocus customer, speak to your CSM to request access. Not a customer? Join the waitllist.

About the author
Sandy Mangat
Head of Marketing at Pocus
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