Turn account research into revenue
Skip the research rabbit holes. Get AI-powered account insights and winning strategies in seconds.
Sound smarter than the average
Imagine if every rep had access to rich insights that never go stale and are just a few clicks away?
- Turn insights into a strong POV
Help every rep understand the perfect fit between your product and each account's needs.
- Let AI do the busy work
Go from hours spent on deeply understanding accounts and developing POVs to minutes.
- Break through the noise
Create compelling outreach powered by rich intelligence on your buyer's business priorities.
How it works
AI Strategy
Scrape 10Ks, podcasts, blog posts and your own data (call recordings, meeting notes, CRM data) to generate insights about every account (and person) in your book.
Ask AI
Ask AI any question about an account—learn more about strategic priorities, identify the buying committee, or anything else you think would be helpful.
AI companion wherever you work
Pocus AI is easily embedded into your existing workflows. Try our Chrome Extension (web and calendar), CRM embed, or alerts in Slack.
While popular LLMs are great for some workflows, they do not have the full context on your business, GTM motion, or accounts. You’ll spend more time prompt engineering than selling.
- Manual Approach
- Pocus
- Platform, not point solution
Our Al is deeply embedded across the entire platform. This isn't a disjointed point solution that only focuses on a single workflow.
- AI-driven updates
Al that continuously updates with new intel instead of requiring manual updates.
- Tailored to your specific needs
AI model ingests your internal data like call recordings, meeting notes, and enablement material to further tailor insights to your business.
Ramp reps faster on their book of business, make call prep a breeze, and build value throughout the buying cycle.
- Call prep
Equip reps with the latest context, so they walk into meetings with confidence. Reps feel like they have their very own AIÂ analyst.
- Business cases
Arm your champions with compelling, data-driven business case that tells a strategic story.
- Ramp reps faster
Quickly bring new reps up to speed on domain expertise with customized insights. Keep reps on message with sales methodology embedded into the Al.
- Better outreach
Help reps resonate with buyers by developing personalized POVs driven by unique insights.
Case studies
The way that Pocus is able to quickly filter and slice data makes it easy to select the key people we need to reach out to. Before the data was all disjointed, but now reps quickly find it in one place and action on it.
in pipeline uncovered in 2 months
With Pocus, the user journey is being told as one complete story. We can reach out with a more holistic picture and focus on education first. Instead of a generic ‘thanks for signing up for Webflow’ outbound, we’re able to start the conversation with account-specific talking points.
increase in pipeline
Pocus' AI helps our team be more effective and efficient. Now they can spend more time personalizing content and thinking strategically about getting in front of customers.
hours saved per rep per week