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How Webflow grew pipeline by 90% with Pocus playbooks

Learn about how Webflow uses AI-powered playbooks to move upmarket with more deal intelligence.

Meredith McManus
October 3, 2024

"Pocus really helps us with the way we get to larger deal value. We get a larger picture of account usage and how we can add on more SKUs. Before, when we had a limited data set, we didn’t know how many users were on an account and which features they were using."

Matt Kinkaid

Manager, Sales and Business Development


increase in pipeline with Pocus AI playbooks

Webflow’s visual-first, composable CMS enables teams to build, manage, and optimize sites via a visual canvas. Their enterprise-grade hosting, scalability, and security have made it the platform of choice for over 200,000 of the world’s leading organizations. Webflow provides incredible value for all kinds of users, from independent bloggers to some of the largest corporations and e-commerce sites.

We recently spoke with Matt Kinkaid (Manager, Sales and Business Development) and Phil Canton (Sales Leader) to learn more about how Webflow uses Pocus to power their GTM playbooks, surface high-value opportunities, and help their sales team consistently crush their quota goals. 

Webflow’s push to build signal-driven GTM plays

Webflow has experienced incredible growth since 2019 when they began to layer sales into their existing PLG motion. With this shift, they had three primary goals:

  1. Move upmarket by targeting existing users who could be converted into enterprise customers. 
  2. Use signals to power a library of playbooks that would drive their outbound efforts and build pipeline. 
  3. Increase velocity for reps could go from insight to action, quickly identifying their highest priority prospects in a sea of opportunities.

The challenge

Webflow’s incredible popularity means the sales team has been surrounded by opportunities to build and expand pipeline. But that success brings with it many of the familiar problems PLG companies often face.

Disparate data

Having a popular product should mean rich user data to fuel pipeline, but Webflow struggled with no way to unify data across all of their tools. Key sources, like Snowflake, were owned by the data science team and were inaccessible to sales. Matt’s team had little visibility into individual accounts or information on how to target their outreach.

The data sources sales could use were difficult to manipulate and not business-ready. None of the sources could “speak” to each other or surface information in a single, usable interface. As a result, information on warm leads and power users sat for days before Matt and his team could action them appropriately. As Matt noted, “Disparate data will drown a PLG company more than you understand and you won’t recognize it until you're on the other side of it.”

Too many tools

In the words of Matt, “Too many solutions can cause their own problems.” While Webflow’s sales team was incredibly tool-rich, it was causing headaches for sales leaders and inconsistent usage behavior among reps. Each new tool meant reps needed to spend time getting trained on the basics and meant they now had an additional data source they needed to dig through to find the information they needed. Their workflows were becoming disjointed and inefficient. 

From a leadership perspective, the tools required budget justification for licenses or seats on an ongoing basis. The overwhelming preference was to bring all of the data into one place and stop the “tool thrash.”

Lack of visibility and control

All of the siloed data and point solutions created a larger issue: limited visibility. In order to sell strategically, reps need to know who is using which features and where individual accounts are in their user journey. Additionally, there was a need for playbooks that could be tailored to Webflow’s unique market. The sales team wanted to identify custom high-value signals like companies flagged for failing to meet digital accessibility requirements — one of Webflow’s top areas of expertise. 

Leadership also needed visibility. They wanted a simple-to-use interface to access data, build experiments, and run reports without needing to lean on outside teams for technical support. 

Finding repeatable success with Pocus

With Pocus, Webflow’s sales team has found repeatable success and can move upmarket with ease. Rather than struggle to find the data they need across multiple tools or build playbooks from scratch each time, the team now has a single platform to run all of their GTM playbooks based on the signals they know are most important.

Move upmarket with increased deal intelligence 

Since implementing Pocus, reps have easy access to the data they need — especially around account usage. This makes it possible for reps to see where SKUs can be added to existing accounts as well as identify self-serve accounts who may be a fit for enterprise-level contracts.

“One of the things that Pocus really helps us with is the way we get to larger deal value. We get a larger picture of account usage and how we can add on more SKUs. Before, when we had a limited data set, we didn’t know how many users were on an account and which features they were using.” - Matt Kinkaid

Give leadership powerful coaching and reporting tools 

Pocus has made it easier than ever for Matt, Phil, and other sales leaders to see what their reps are doing without having to toggle across tools. They can quickly identify which deals are closing fastest and create a plan to replicate these playbooks across their team. 

“If someone's seeing success, we can start to understand where or how that success is coming about. It could be something we hadn’t previously thought about, like a job switcher. Then we can run that same playbook across companies.” - Phil Canton

The results: 90% more accounts surfaced by Pocus playbooks 

By using Pocus to unify their data and power their GTM playbooks, Webflow has built a revenue engine that scales. Reps are no longer paying the “toggle tax” by hopping from tool to tool; now they can self-serve using Pocus playbooks. Sales leaders have a clear line of sight via coaching and reporting, making them more confident than ever their team is spending their time where they should.

The biggest unlock has been the ability to use the signals that matter most to Webflow to run custom playbooks that drive results. Matt and Phil shared examples of Pocus-powered playbooks helping their team achieve their top three goals:

1. Power all GTM playbooks via a consolidated platform.

Pocus has created a single source of truth for Webflow’s sales team, helping them run playbooks based on the signals that matter most to them. Matt, Phil, and other sales leaders have easy-to-use reporting tools that enable them to experiment more quickly and coach their teams to success.

The results speak for themselves:

  • Increased sales development quota attainment from 99% to 137% in one quarter, despite a quota raise.
  • 90% more accounts surfaced than traditional playbooks by ingesting Snowflake data into Pocus.

2. Move upmarket by revealing untraditional enterprise accounts. 

Recently Phil’s team discovered a self-serve customer with ~4 employees that typically wouldn’t have surfaced as an enterprise opportunity. Within weeks of creating their account, however, this company was standing up dozens of websites and receiving an incredibly high volume of site traffic. 

An account like this might have previously gone unnoticed but thanks to playbooks in Pocus, a rep spotted it as an enterprise opportunity. Digging deeper the rep also saw that this customer used a competitive product for website translation - a huge upsell opportunity. Using these signals and context, Phil and his rep were able to expand deal size significantly. 

“If my rep had told me they were going to reach out to a company with four people I would have told them it wasn’t in any way, shape, or form a good opportunity. But because we were able to see all of their product usage signals through one lens in Pocus, it made a really compelling reason to engage.” - Phil Canton

3. Improve conversions with timely personalized outreach 

Matt’s team identified a company that had been using Webflow to translate their site into over 50 locales — a clear signal that this is an ideal account for reps to target for contract expansion. Before Pocus, reps would have struggled to identify this account; they lacked visibility into who was using the translations feature or that this customer was routinely adding two to three new users per week. After the lead was surfaced via a feature-specific playbook in Pocus, the rep was able to engage the account with hyper-relevant outreach and close a six-figure deal in less than 50 days. 

“With Pocus, the user journey is being told as one complete story. We can reach out with a more holistic picture and focus on education first. Instead of a generic ‘thanks for signing up for Webflow’ outbound, we’re able to start the conversation with account-specific talking points.” - Matt Kinkaid

With Pocus, Webflow is able to build a repeatable revenue model by identifying key signals and automatically surfacing opportunities through custom AI-powered playbooks. Curious about how Pocus can help you turn your most valuable signals into revenue? Book time with a GTM expert on our team.

Using Pocus to power GTM playbooks

  • Make data accessible: Your sales team is only as good as the data they have access to. By using Pocus as their unified data platform, Webflow ensures that everyone is on the same page.
  • Use the signals that matter: Not all signals are equally valuable. Webflow identified the signals that mattered most to them, then built Pocus playbooks to action on them.
  • Scale your wins: Leadership can easily “copy-paste” the best playbooks across reps to create a never-ending source of pipeline. 
Meredith McManus
Content + Product Marketing at Pocus

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